Paul J De Bartolomeo


Profile Information:

Lives in:
Brewster NY
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Professional Qualifications:
State & National Fire Service Instructor
Topics you provide training for:
Engine Co.Ops, Ladder Co Ops, Live Fire Training, Firefighter Safety & Survival, R.I.T.
F.E., V.E.S. High Pressure Airbags, Hydraulic Vehicle Rescue
Areas of expertise:
I dont consider myself an expert in any areas of the fire service. I have been very fortunate to work with many great people throughout the years, and have learned a great deal. I simply enjoy passing on my experiences to other Firefighters, and am constantly seeking to further my knowledge.
11 year veteran of the FDNY curently assigned to Ladder Co. 28 in Harlem. Previous assignments include Engine Co's 69 & 26. 18 years as a volunteer firefighter, previously in Stamford CT & currently in Brewster NY. Adjunct instructor with the Connecticut Fire Academy & Fairfield regional training school. Lead Instructor for Top Rung Training Associates LLC.

Comment Wall:

  • Ron Smith (a.k.a. G-Ron)

    Hey Pauly,
    What's up Bro?
  • Stephen Florian

    be bart whats up you taking care of joe
  • Stephen Florian

    let me know when your coming out any time you want to is good for me just give me a heads up and ill help you any way i can
  • Rusty Ricker

    Paul, drop me an email Brother,

  • Rusty Ricker

    I had talked to Ed, just confirming you're in for July...
  • Russ Chapman

    Good day, did some great things. Engine Ops tomarrow, boy do I ache!!!!
  • Brian Grace

    Paul, sorry for the delay in responding, no, i am not related to Pat Grace, the name sounds familiar, but I have never met him. After leaving Long Island 20 year ago, It sure is good hearing from some brothers from the North East, stay safe and I hope that fine neighborhood of Harlem is as beautiful as I remember...

    Hi Paul!
    You mean you didn't recognize the gray silhouette of me? I think it looks just like me! I enjoyed meeting you, too. Let me know what I can help you out with regarding your workouts. I'd be glad to do what I can. Maybe you and Roy-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y can work out together!

  • Jay Blake

    Paul, thanks for leaving a comment, I will be there. Look forward to meeting you.

  • Jim Mason

    Your message about the Rock training some how got cut off. It must have been operator error on my part. I remember you. That was a good time. I hope all is good with you and yours.
    Jim Mason
    Chgo FD
  • Jim Mason

    By the way Paul
    Thanks for joining CSF (Common Sense Firefighting). It's a leadership and fire ground decison making page on the site. Jump into any of the discussions at any time. there are alwasy good ones going on. If you're going to FDIC we're having a meet on Tuesday nite of that week at a local bar at about 7 pm. Everyone is welcome
    Jim Mason
    Chgo FD
  • Jason Hoevelmann

    Hey, Paul, do you guys still use written log books or is it all computerized? Referring to daily logging of activities and alarms? We are possibly going to all computerized, not a popular decision so I am just curious.
  • Jason Hoevelmann

    Right back at you. It is nice to have these discussions and to learn from others and to take back and discuss at the kitchen table. Stay safe up there in NY and take care.