Ellen Brown


Profile Information:

Lives in:
Cleveland, Tennessee
Fraternal Order of Leatherheads Society
Membership Trustee
Agency structure:
Web site:

Comment Wall:

  • Adam Bean

    Hey Ellen I thought you retired :)
  • Adam Bean

    I'm getting married in the begining of August, wouldnt want to end it before it starts by trying to skip out across the county. Hopefully next year.
  • Ben Fleagle


    Will give more details through email, but I have an answer for you from the chapter.

  • Keith Bresnahan

    What up Ellen!
  • Arthur Hayden

    HI Ellen: Hope everything is going good, our SJfools is slowly coming together. We just about have our logo done, and are planing to work with Bill and Aaron with a few training projects. Have a good and safe day Art.
  • Ric Jorge

    Dang Ellen, bout time you made it! So rumor has it you have come out of retirement ... hmm ... Daddy driving you crazy? Send my love to everyone, stay in touch ... Seattle?
  • Ben Marler

    Hey, Ellen,
    So the mother of all FOOLS is here! Hope all is well. Are you a TN fan yet.................
  • JD Dulworth

    Hey Ellen,

    Glad to see you in the neighborhood! Hope you guys are doing OK, give me a shout if you need anything.

  • Tom Webb

    Ellen, great to see you here and thanks for all of your work.
  • Tom Webb

    P.S. Dont beileve anything Hankins says...
  • Chad Berg

    Love ya!
  • David G. Thewlis GIFireE

    Hi Ellen,
    sorry for the delay in response. Computer issues plus was instructing all weekend. Have a good one.


  • Eric Hankins

    Hey Mom!!!!

    Got your voicemail. Sorry I haven't called you back. I am heading down to Texas tomorrow so I will call you while I am waiting for my flight. Tell D*** I said hello....

  • Ben Fleagle


    Can't wait to finally meet you in Seattle. Just a few more weeks. Don't know what we would do without you...oh, yeah, everything goes haywire. Glad you're watchin' over us.
  • Ben Fleagle


    I understand. I'm bummed though. I had looked forward to meeting you finally. With things the way they are, I wonder how long we'll be able to afford air tickets. Well, I wish you and D*** the best of summers and I hope the local venue for motoring around provides you a little adventure on a more economic note. Take care, Be safe.
  • Ben Simonds

    Hey Ellen Miss ya in Seattle. Hope all is well at home. The Great FOOLS of Fire missed ya but we thank you for all of your hard work.

  • Ben Fleagle

    Absolutely. I wasn't too sappy about it was I? Missed you and your feller.

  • Marty Hamrick

    Hi, Ellen. How's the chapter looking? We are very excited to get things going.
  • Ron Smith (a.k.a. G-Ron)

    I spent the weekend wishing I was in Seattle !!!!
  • Toby Martin

    hey there how's TN
  • Chad Berg

    I love Ellen!
  • Joseph R Polenzani

    Hi Ellen,
    Spent the evening miniature golfing in Nashville. That handsome devil Greg Wild won our FOOLS Fall Classic. Must be all that practicing in Crossville...
  • Tim Kelahan

    Ellen Nice to see a familier face on the web.
    Long Live the F.O.O.L.S.
  • Paul J Conway

    Hello :)
  • Shawn Royall

    Hey Ellen and D***! Hope all is well in the hills. I'm still learning how this profile thing works and I'm trying to add members. Give me a call, Shawn
  • julio reyes

    Hi we are a volunteer group in the coast of Veracruz, Mexico, we do not have economic resources that we have accomplished is to choose based effort to join efforts to buy old standard vehicles and turn them into ambulances, cap and put them inside and sirens, we want have the opportunity because we know that in the USA donate emergency vehicles like ambulances ask all the information possible thanks
  • julio reyes

    Hi we are a volunteer group in the coast of Veracruz, Mexico, we do not have economic resources that we have accomplished is to choose based effort to join efforts to buy old standard vehicles and turn them into ambulances, cap and put them inside and sirens, we want have the opportunity because we know that in the USA donate emergency vehicles like ambulances ask all the information possible thanks
  • David G. Thewlis GIFireE

    Hi Ellen and D***,
    compliments of the season to both of you from Down Under. Hope you have a safe 2009.

  • David G. Thewlis GIFireE

    Hi Ellen,
    all's well to date. I've been working over the festive season but fairly quiet - "the calm before the storm". Hot weather hasn't really hit yet so we're still waiting!


  • brandon earley

    hi miss Brown. i live in north west arkansas. i was wondering if you could start a chapter involving multiple departments or if it had to be members of the same department? if you could email me a answer and info on starting a chapter, i would appericate it. thank you. brandon_earley@hotmail.com