Michael M. Dugan


East Northport, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
1 Joseph Court
Captain Ladder 123
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Topics you provide training for:
Truck Company operations
Leadership and the Company Officer
Fire Attack
Areas of expertise:
Truck Company Operations
Fire Attack
Michael M. Dugan is a 24-year veteran of the FDNY, serving as the Captain of Ladder Company 123, in Crown Heights Brooklyn. He is also a former volunteer firefighter, in the Halesite FD. He has been involved with the Fire Service for 32 years. He was an instructor at the inception of the FDNY’s Annual Education Day and has developed programs currently taught to all FDNY members during Annual Education Day. He is a “HOT” instructor at the “FDIC.” Captain Dugan has been a featured lecturer around the country on topic dealing with Truck Company Operations and today’s fire service.
Web site:

Comment Wall:

  • Scott Kleinschmidt


    Good to see you on the site.
  • Eric Hankins

    Good to see you on the site Brother!!

    Stay low and..... I think you know the rest :-)
  • Shane Furuta

    Hey Cap! How is everything on the other side of the country? I would bet it must be getting a little chilly. We're cooling off a bit here too, it's about 70 degrees right now! Hahaha... We are definitely gonna have to get you down here to teach one of these days. Take care Brother! Aloha -Shane
  • Eric Hankins


    Got your email. Thanks for putting me in touch with the Chief. I will see you in February.

  • Billy lewis

    Great to see you on here Capt.
    See you in San Diego
  • Barry Aptt


    Nice to see you on here. I have had the privelege of your training via the NH brothers and it was great.
  • Dave Gallagher

    Hi there Boss... you working today?
  • Chad Berg

    Great to see your mug on my page Cap, and I look forward to sippin' with ya in San Diego. We missed ya in Seattle over the summer for the FOOLS Convention.