Scott Kleinschmidt

, Male

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Derby Kansas
Wichita Fire Department
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Staffing, Pride in the Job
Professional Qualifications:
Rope,Conspace,VMR,Trench,Collapse,Swift Water,SCUBA,Instructor I,
Topics you provide training for:
Collapse Rescue, VMR, Truck Company, Rope, Con Space, and Trench operations,
17 year veteran City of Wichita Fire Department. Currently assigned as the officer on Truck 2 on the city's south side. Previously assigned as a fireman to the City's Rescue Company Member City/County TRT past 14 years. Rescue technician/Rescue manager with KSTF-5

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  • John Holgerson

    Hey Scott,

    Just getting ready to sign off

  • Eric DePoto

    you f****** suck
  • Mike Walker

    check out this site. Some buddies of mine from the department invented it. It works amazing on hose line advancements.