Scott Kleinschmidt

, Male

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Derby Kansas
Wichita Fire Department
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Staffing, Pride in the Job
Professional Qualifications:
Rope,Conspace,VMR,Trench,Collapse,Swift Water,SCUBA,Instructor I,
Topics you provide training for:
Collapse Rescue, VMR, Truck Company, Rope, Con Space, and Trench operations,
17 year veteran City of Wichita Fire Department. Currently assigned as the officer on Truck 2 on the city's south side. Previously assigned as a fireman to the City's Rescue Company Member City/County TRT past 14 years. Rescue technician/Rescue manager with KSTF-5

Comment Wall:

  • Mike Walker

    It's about time slope! You no show!!!!
  • Mike Walker

    Why do you look like you just got caught doing something wrong in your picture?
  • Jim Mason

    Thanks for joining CSF (Common Sense Firefighting) It's about decision making on the fire ground. I see you are working on a hevy rescue squad. I spent a few years on one here in Chgo FD too
  • Jim Mason

    Yeah Scott the tactics are where it's at for me. The first five minutes dictates the next 5 hours. It's where the decisions are made. thanks for adding to the page
  • Jim Mason

    Yeah Scott I'll email you now
  • Michael Bricault (ret)

    10 4
  • Mike Walker

    It will take two wegdes... Have you ever seen the slope of this guys head?
  • David O. Couvelha

    "My knuckle dragging brethren (like Scotty K) . . ."

    Feel the love! Your reputation precedes you I see!

    Your comments about PPV & PPA are good. Of course, anything done incorrectly or without understanding the theory AND science is dangerous. INCLUDING vertical ventilation! Gravity has a way of reinforcing that one.

  • Kelly Ross

    Scotty, welcome aboard bro.

  • Eric Hankins

    Thanks Brother
  • Chuck French

    Hey Scotty,

    Long time no see. How are you doing? Hope your well and thankd for the welcome.
  • Mike Walker

    I can get a bigger coat, but no matter what, your head is still going to have that slope.
  • Mike Walker

    I put a new one up just for you.
  • Mike Walker

    Hey Scotty

    I would love any information you have on the "can" fires. We just bought some this last year, but none of the guys what they can do with them.