Todd Haines


United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport
Planning Chief/Fire Protection Engineer
Years of public service:
20 years
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Professional Qualifications:
Attended Oklahoma State University and received a Bachelor's Degree in Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology & Master's Degree in Fire and Emergency Management Adminstration. NFPA Technical Committee member for Garage & Parking Structures and Hazardous Materials Protection Clothing and Equipment. Member of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) and Institution of Fire Engineers (MIFireE). Adjunct Professor for Kaplan University in the Fire Science and Emergency Management Bachelor's of Science degree and contributor/technical review for Cengage Learning fire and emergency service manuals
Topics you provide training for:
Fire Protection and Detection Systems, Fire Code requirements, Fire and Emergency Service Planning, Firefighter Safety, Building Construction/Structural Collapse, Pre-Incident Planning, Hazardous Materials Incident Management and Terrorism(WMD detection and incident action plans, vulnerability assessments and crime scene management)
Areas of expertise:
Always Learning....
Web site:

Comment Wall:

  • Mike Walker

    Thanks for joining the High-Rise Group. I hope you like the discussions.
  • Todd McKee

    Welcome to the GREATEST training site in the WORLD. Take a look at my HazMat Group called. HAZMAT TRAINING AND NEWS.
  • Todd Haines

    Thanks Todd. I am looking forward to learning and sharing with such a great group of individuals that have the same interest. I have been fortunate to have a very diverse background in HazMat and always looking to learn. Thanks again
  • Ray A Morales

    Hey. What's happening? It has been a long time. Hopefully DFW is treating you alright. My email is Talk to you later. Ray
  • Christopher Naum, SFPE

    Thanks for the comments and for joining the Command Safety Group...Stay Safe Brother