Level II instructor
Arson Investigator
BS-- Fire Service -- New Jersey City University
Topics you provide training for:
Fireground strategies
Areas of expertise:
Strategy & tactics
Anthony Avillo, a 24 year veteran, is a Deputy Chief in North Hudson Regional (NJ) Fire & Rescue, assigned as Regional Tour Commander of the 1st Platoon. Chief Avillo has a B.S. in Fire Science from New Jersey City University and is pursuing a Master’s Degree in Educational Technology. He is an instructor at the Bergen County (NJ) and Monmouth County (NJ) Fire Academies. Avillo, an FDIC instructor, is also an editorial advisor and contributing editor to Fire Engineering Magazine. He is the author of Fireground Strategies (Pennwell 2002) and Fireground Strategies Workbook (Pennwell 2003). The 2nd Edition of Fireground Strategies is now out. Fireground Strategies Workbook Vol. 2 should be out before the end of the year. Also co-authored the Safety and Survival chapter in the new Fire Engineering Firefighter's Handbook (with Frank Ricci and Jay Woron) and is co-auther of the Fire Engineering Firefighter handbook Student Study Guide (with Jimmy Kirsch) .
Hey Chief, how's it going. We met last year in Jersey, can't remember the name of the academy. I see you are doing a couple courses for Kean. I will be back in June. Be safe and I will see ya in Indy and buy you a beer
Chief, I have been as low as 1 and 2 but normally all units are evened out by details to assure at least 1 and 3. Presently my Engine is 1 and 4 and with the next class, I am pretty sure it will bring almost the entire city up to 1 and 4 on the roster.
Going to Cooperstown at the end of the month, Go Sox!
Hey Chief! It is Eastern Knox County Joint Fire DIstrict!!
We put EKCJFD on the back of our shirts and you can actually take an eye test if your walking behind us...lol Take care
We have 948 total on the job. In Suppression we run around 200-220 per shift. We have 37 Engine, 13 Ladders, 1 Heavy Rescue, gobs of Brush Pumpers, and 6 Tankers (Tenders). We have 35 stations.
I have six stations in my Battalion.
We're a little unique because we are very spread out. OKC limits encompasses 630 square miles. I have 120 square miles in my disrict.
Chief, thanks for putting together the training scenarios. These are not only great for my learning, but we are using them in the firehouse as well. Take care and stay safe.
Hey Chief, sorry for the delay in responding to you. My wife gave birth to our third son,so i was off for a bit. White River Township is in Indy just south of Indianapolis. Take care.
Thanks Tony, I have enjoyed your postings and replys. Seems that we have meny similar interests and thoughts about our service. You must be an old truckie.....
We have almost 300 FF, 13 Engine Co. 4 Truck Co. 1 ARFF (Gary/Chicago International Airport) And yes the Jackson 5 originated in Gary. lol
I'll be looking for the artical on the DRD you guy are doing. Take care and stay safe MB
This means that you will have the ability to start any discussions specifically related to this group. You will have access to the group as an administrator. I have learned that it hard to come up with new ideas for discussion on a regular basis. It is apparent, that you have some experience and knowledge that can be shared. let me know what you think.
Eddie Buchanan
The Harp Player! How are ya brother! Don't forget your harp this year for the Noodle! See ya there!
Eddie B
Mar 5, 2008
Scott Thompson
Mar 6, 2008
Rick Lasky
Thanks buddy right back at ya! See ya at Indy pal, it's right around the corner. Be safe!
Mar 7, 2008
Mike Gagliano
should be out just in time for fdic...
i'd like to chat about having you out to seattle to do a seminar... both my buddies john lewis and rob moran speak very highly of your classes...
Mar 9, 2008
Joseph Alvarez
Mar 14, 2008
Moises Valdes
Mar 16, 2008
Carl Wendt
Going to Cooperstown at the end of the month, Go Sox!
Mar 17, 2008
TR Hagerty
Mar 18, 2008
Kevin Reilly
Great pics. Hope all is well. Kev
Mar 19, 2008
TR Hagerty
Hey they stopped having the ND fire school. But we are tring to get one started up in Fort Wayne. Hope things are going good see u at FDIC Bro
Mar 20, 2008
Tiger Schmittendorf
Mar 23, 2008
Mar 23, 2008
Mar 24, 2008
Todd McKee
We put EKCJFD on the back of our shirts and you can actually take an eye test if your walking behind us...lol Take care
Mar 25, 2008
TR Hagerty
You ready for next week !!! See you then TR
Mar 30, 2008
Mike Walker
We have 948 total on the job. In Suppression we run around 200-220 per shift. We have 37 Engine, 13 Ladders, 1 Heavy Rescue, gobs of Brush Pumpers, and 6 Tankers (Tenders). We have 35 stations.
I have six stations in my Battalion.
We're a little unique because we are very spread out. OKC limits encompasses 630 square miles. I have 120 square miles in my disrict.
Apr 1, 2008
Mike Walker
Apr 1, 2008
Scott Thompson
Apr 1, 2008
Mike Walker
Apr 1, 2008
Stacy White
Apr 1, 2008
BB Baker
Apr 2, 2008
Mike Walker
How about starting a High-Rise Group? I'll do it but here in Oklahoma City, we're not exactly known for that sort of thing.
Apr 3, 2008
Mike Walker
I hope you start or add to the discussions.
Make it safe brother.
Apr 8, 2008
Joseph Alvarez
Apr 11, 2008
Chris Piepenburg
Apr 17, 2008
Scott Thompson
Apr 20, 2008
Scott Tichenor
Apr 21, 2008
Scott Tichenor
Apr 21, 2008
Nick Morgan
Apr 24, 2008
Art Zern
May 18, 2008
Chris Pepler
I would like to give you access as an administrator to the Flashover group. Anything you think that is applicable,please feel free to post it.
May 19, 2008
Mark Belanger
We have almost 300 FF, 13 Engine Co. 4 Truck Co. 1 ARFF (Gary/Chicago International Airport) And yes the Jackson 5 originated in Gary. lol
I'll be looking for the artical on the DRD you guy are doing. Take care and stay safe MB
May 20, 2008
Chris Pepler
This means that you will have the ability to start any discussions specifically related to this group. You will have access to the group as an administrator. I have learned that it hard to come up with new ideas for discussion on a regular basis. It is apparent, that you have some experience and knowledge that can be shared. let me know what you think.
May 21, 2008