25 to Survive: Reducing Residential Injury and LODD

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  • Douglas Mitchell, Jr.

    Welcome Jeff Price!


  • Douglas Mitchell, Jr.

    The Sunday Preach


    "Take a good look inside. Why are you here?" pg. 5

    We Believe:

    ~ Like minded individuals enjoy each others company. As such, they often form formal or informal teams.
    ~Individuals join the team with a series of their own 'similar' yet 'different' personal skill sets.
    ~Teams need leaders and mentors and coaches and support to recognize and pair the skill sets of the individuals to the needs of the team.
    ~Teams need to have unified goals and a common vision for success.
    ~Even when faced with insurmountable tasks, teams can achieve success with hard work and dedication to towards those goals.

    USA, USA, USA... on the 35th Anniversary of the 1980 Lake Placid USA Hockey Teams Gold Medal Winning "Miracle on Ice"

    Nothing is impossible....

  • Douglas Mitchell, Jr.

    The Sunday Preach


    Spring is about re-emergence, starting a new. "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending." Maria Robinson.

    S - 'Safe' defined is 'free from harm,' fires... most often are not
    P - Preparation is a key step to create the "Combat Ready You"
    R - React quickly to changes in your fire environment
    I - Involve everyone in training, for in battle they will all be with you
    N - No one likes a know-it-all, be open to hear new ideas
    G - Go out and learn YOUR buildings in YOUR response area

    H - Help the weakest link on your team become strong
    A - Assemble your PPE the same way every time
    S - Stomp out complacency, it is a killer

    S - Strengthen the brotherhood and foster cohesion
    P - Provide avenues for personal growth of your people
    R - Remember where you came from & those who influenced you
    U - Unify with your surrounding departments, get on the same page
    N - Never forget the sacrifices of those who came before us
    G - Grasp this moment, for your time in the fire service is NOW

    Happy Easter brothers and sisters...