Suburban Fire Tactics

Suburban Fire Tactics is a forum to research, document and share the challenges and solutions encountered by firefighters and fire department administrators operating in urban interfaces.

Suburban Fire Tactics is not a be-all, cure-all conclusion the the ailements, hazards and challenges that evolve daily in our industry. Just as the science, infrastructure, tools and mentalities change, so should the tactics used to complete our fundamental mission- to save life, mitigage hazards and preserve property

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  • Sean Gray

    Thanks for the invite. Looking forward to some good interaction. We've been working on some things down here in Georgia and we're excited to hopefully get a chance to share them at FDIC 2013.

  • Christopher Huston

    Some technical difficulties have occurred the past 24 hours. We apologize and will make sure the issues are resolved. Thank you...

  • Erin McGruder

    Hey folks! Just so you know - the Suburban Fire Tactics book has been published! If you don't pick up your copy while at FDIC this year, you can order online from PennWell Publishing's website