I’ve got one for the group…utilizing a 2 person medic as the initial rapid intervention team. I will admit right up front, I used to do this when I was the chief of a small 2 station department about 15 years ago, when suburban rapid intervention operating guidelines were just starting to be…
Inspired by another post: "What hand tools do you as an Engine Company take interior with you and why?" Post your comments. You can also join the conversation on our Facebook page http://facebook.com/SuburbanFire
Please read the link then add to the discussion. POMS by Jim Silvernail
What are some of the challenges you are currently facing in your suburban department?
Suburban Fire Tactics is a forum to research, document and share the challenges and solutions encountered by firefighters and fire department administrators operating in urban interfaces.
Suburban Fire Tactics is not a be-all, cure-all conclusion the the ailements, hazards and challenges that evolve daily in our industry. Just as the science, infrastructure, tools and mentalities change, so should the tactics used to complete our fundamental mission- to save life, mitigage hazards and preserve property