Props and Training Aids

Share training aids and props that you have seen, or built.
  • Jonathan Kaye

    I just saw an announcement on a free training simulation package we helped MFRI build a couple of years has come out as from FEMA:

    Click here to request free materials

    NIMS Alert Aug 2008

    FEMA’s National Preparedness Directorate announces the release of a new DVD training course on NIMS ICS for multi-discipline emergency responders. The course provides an opportunity for first responders to practice what they have learned in NIMS ICS training through the use of various scenarios; it may also be used as a train-the-trainer course for NIMS ICS instructors. The course, designed by the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute at the University of Maryland, has been available to responders in a classroom setting only. Realizing that time and personnel constraints were limiting access to the course, FEMA has now produced the course on DVD for broad distribution. A web-based version of the course will also be available soon.
    Course Information: The course provides an opportunity for participants to practice the principles learned in NIMS ICS training through the use of six (6) scenarios.
    Course Objectives: The course provides participants the opportunity to:
    • Practice what they have learned in NIMS ICS training in a safe environment.
    • Work with multiple disciplines.
    • Improve plans and strategies.
    • Teach the course to first responder groups.
    Course Materials: Materials that will be helpful in teaching this course are included on the DVD, including the following:
    • Six (6) scenarios, including a marine disaster, an explosion and building collapse, a terrorist attack involving the use of Sarin gas, a police raid involving a fugitive and methamphetamine lab, a chemical explosion at a plastics plant, and a multi-casualty transportation accident.
    • Master Events Scenario List (MESL) that shows the list of events for each scenario.
    • Instructor manual.
    • Photos of the scene from different sides of the incident.
    • Maps that can be projected on a white board for planning purposes.
    • Victim cards that provides suggested steps for those playing victim roles or treating victims.
    • Incident Command Chart.
    • Helpful Hints List for getting the most from the class.
  • Rick Fritz

    The new Basics book looks great!
  • Vernon Applewhite

    2nd day at FDIC. ISFSI class.
  • Damon Allen

    Has anyone purchased the Class A Build & Burn book from developed by Chiefs Garcia and Kaufman? Did you build it? And if so; what are is your opinion.


    I think this is a great tool, and am thinking about trying it out...of course with approval from the Supreme Comander (Chief) and the Council of Wizards (State Fire College).

    Be safe,
