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Attached are some pictures of props that I've made. They aren't anything elaborate but they work. We don't have much room to store them so I kept them small and simple.

Low Profile Prop

Entanglement Prop

Door Prop

Forcible Entry Prop

Flat Roof Prop

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Very nice, I have one comment on the flat roof simulator. The technique used by the saw operator is not realistic. I'd recommend putting the simulator in the background together with the one in foreground so that the saw op can stay on top of the "roof" and perform the cut using a better and realistic stance.
Thanks will do
I teach for the state of Ky and will get pics for you. It might take some time but I will get them for you. The stat of Ky has several large scale props that we have on trailers and move across the state when needed. I also have a prop hat i made that can be transported and store prety easy. I don't have any pictures of it but i will get them too. If anyone else wants pics. and plans just emai lme
My prop has stairs, entaglement, ceiling joist, wall breach and 1st floor window bail.
Attached are photos of a flat roof prop our shops welded together for us. Its two 2" angle iron with rebar welded so 2 X 8's or 10's can slide in at 16" on center, with plywood screwed down and cut away.
This prop you can add any length of rafter board you want. We use 8' lengths so we can drop down two sheet of plywood and then we make many cuts not the 4 X 4 holes but many smaller ones so we work on saw techniques and characteristics.
I can't remember where I came across this to give the member credit, it might have been Brotherhood Instructors web site or Vent Enter Search web site. But it's a nice idea and I thought to pass it on.
Brent, hope this helps,
still more
last one
Any time, good luck with it brother.

Brent Sanger said:
Thanks a lot Gary, those will definitely help build one for my crew.
I was just wondering if anybody knows any way I could try to make a forcible entry simulator that has a manipulative device such as the power jamb that is on the market. I was wondering just because of how much the powr jamb actually is, my dept would rather make something similar. If anybody has any picture of how they have one, please post them. I actually have some props I recently made for my dept that I will be posting for all to see very soon. Thanks

Here are a bunch of pictures of my Wire Entanglement MAYDAY prop. This prop is designed to get firefighters stuck in an entanglement situation. The idea of the drill is to get completely into the prop and call a mayday, utilizing the LUNAR acronym (Location, Unit, Name, Assignment, and Resources needed). It was built with 2x4's, carriage bolts, chicken wire, and internet wires. The beginning of the drill is on the open side. The firefighter enters the prop, becomes entangled and calls a MAYDAY. The firefighter is then to get their SCBA to their side, and use the swim technique to become detangled. The firefighter will come to some obstacles. There are 2 - 2x4 braces inside the structure which are able to be modified, so the firefighter doesnt become oriented to the training prop. The firefighter then gets out of the wire, but is in an open space that they are able to don their SCBA cylinder so they can get skinny and go through a low clearance h***. There were 3 different shapes. The best for the prop is a triangle. We also built a square, and a rectangle that is 16" on center. These holes can also be rotated 360 degrees so they can be on the top, bottom, left or right. Once the firefighter gets out of the training prop, they redon their cylinder and come up to a wall, which simulates a wall breach. A halligan is put at this wall and is used to break out the drywall. Drywall is able to be slid into position after each evolution. Once through the wall breach the evolution is finished. This is getting alot of attention, and is becoming a great asset to our department. If anyone has any questions, dont hesitate to ask.
can you send me some prints or measurements to build a prop like this? Thanks.


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