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Canadian Eh

Canadian fire service Issues and Topics..Not Hockey

Members: 21
Latest Activity: Jan 10, 2015

Discussion Forum

F.O.O.L.S in Southern Ontario? 3 Replies

Started by Jeff Clayton. Last reply by Wayne Benner Jr Sep 23, 2009.

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Comment by Pascal Marchand on September 23, 2009 at 9:13pm
Hi, here'is my little presentation. My name is Pascal Marchand I am lieutenant instructor with the Longueuil fire department (Québec) The department has eleven stations staffed with, approx 200 full time firefighters and 60 part time firefighters for vacation replacement, etc.

I'm proud to join this canadian group on the fire engineering communirty

And i'm also on Facebook, i use the same picture, and accept all firefighter friends

Proudly Canadian

Pascal Marchand

If you understand french or are curious you can visit my blog, it's about firefighting but it's in french. Here's the address:
Comment by Randy Schmitz on September 23, 2009 at 12:09pm
Hello Fellow Canadians, just joined.
I didn't realize we had our own forum on here, my bad I guess.
Just wanted to tell you all that the Calgary Fire Department & Alberta Vehicle Extrication Association will be hosting the 26th Annual North American Vehicle Rescue Challenge September 19th-25th 2010.this will include a two day Big Rig Rescue Symposium, two day trade show and training sessions and four days of extrication challenge. I have an "alternate team" opportunity to fill spots if a qualifing team cannot attend the challenge.

Randy Schmitz Calgary Fire Dept
Comment by Wayne Benner Jr on September 23, 2009 at 11:17am
Mr Halton you may be an American citizens but you represent all firefighters in North America and more so.

We are honoured to have you part. Now we just need to work on a FDIC in Southern Ontario :L)

Members (21)


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