Fire Engineering Training Community

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does anyone know of or have to share a training program for civilian dispatchers?
any input woud be appreciated
stay safe out there

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Adam, you are correct that is very challenging, we do have our own English!

What I have seen work is designing an in house glossary section that is added into the effective communication training section/module. If you are teaching in-house it will be a little time consuming to prepare but have valuable pay off. If you are teaching outside your agency it will be more difficult.

What you need is audio recordings of actual incidents that your center has dealt with. Go through the audio with someone not in the communications or fire service and have them say "what's that mean?” (If you listen with someone in the business many things will be missed.) Every word or phrases that you need to explain to them write down. This will be a start to your glossary of terms for your agency. You will need to listen to audio from many incidents of all types to get a compressive glossary put together. But, once it's done it doesn't take allot of work to keep it updated.

Another good way but also time consuming and can prove to be very difficult for many reasons is capturing AV's from the internet. There are allot of good sources out here that have audio and video that can be captured and placed into a PowerPoint. A word of caution though be sure to look at and review any appropriate copyright laws that might affect anything that is captured.

Please let me know if I can help you out with anything.

Best of luck and be safe.

Most training programs that are made public are very generalized.....information about vicarious liability and other basics; they don't really teach dispatching.  Most law enforcement agencies have internal training programs, as they tend to be department specific.

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