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My department is small, and we border a big city (HOUSTON). We sometimes work calls together. It is apparent that our training is different. How would I go about getting them and us to start training together. I believe this could only benefit everyone involved on the fireground.


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Just Do It!
How is your training different then theirs? Is it a function of how you are staffed or are you each running from a different model.

In any event, if they are going to be running a multi-company drill or have an acquired building that they are going to train at, have your Chief or Training Officer ask for an invite. If you are going to mutual aid calls, it’s in everyone’s interest to be on the same page, but if they have the bigger department, it’s on you to ask to play on their field.
I agree with Larry, I work for the LAFD and we have several small departments that border our city. About four years ago, A training Chief from one of the smaller cities came over to speak to our Battalion Chief regarding a drill with their Fire Department. At the time, I was the Chiefs Aide, and we setup an initial introduction of the Firefighters and Officers to meet and greet and have a Static Display of both departments apparatus. I think it's a good idea to bring crews together because often times there is a little intimidation of their Large Counterparts.

The Chiefs had several meeting to discuss a location for this interagency drill and what the objective would be. We setup a drill in a large vacant hospital that is used for Movie Shoot. The other City was given a scenario that they saw a fire in the City of Los Angeles and began to engage in their company operations while the LAFD companies were being dispatch to the location. The smaller cities Battalion Chief began to place the LAFD resources until the our Battalion Chief was on scene. Both Truck companies were on the roof discussing their roof operations while the Engine Companies were discussing their operations inside. I thought that the drill was successful. Both chiefs appeared to be satisfied with the drill and it gave the guys a chance to discuss Firefighting tactics and strategies.

If anything, you will get a better understanding of how their company operation and vic versa.
Are you talking about the Hospital that's around Flintridge? The one where they shot the Terminator movie?
Larry Lasich said:
Are you talking about the Hospital that's around Flintridge? The one where they shot the Terminator movie?

No, Larry this Hospital is Located in East Los Angeles in Battalion 2 . The name of the Hospital is Linda Vista.
White stucco, 2 story, 1st is sub-grade and the ER enterence is upper left.

Ed Watters said:
Larry Lasich said:
Are you talking about the Hospital that's around Flintridge? The one where they shot the Terminator movie?

No, Larry this Hospital is Located in East Los Angeles in Battalion 2 . The name of the Hospital is Linda Vista.
I have talked to a couple of firefighters in my own dept about it and found that since the big station is the quietist in houston, its dubbed the retirement home. I will be talkin to my training officer about it, but if this is the case, you can look at it two ways #1 our guys think they're a bunch old guys that dont want to help us or train any more (ie.. retirement center) #2 Or they see our guys as a bunch misfit kids that wont be there in 6 months(which i can understand).
I look at them as being the MOST experienced firefighters in houston if it is THE retirement station. That would mean we would have a gold mine of information, technique, and experience right at our finger tips. Not to mention the stories LOL.
thanks for your help guys the advice was greatly appreciated.

Larry Lasich said:
White stucco, 2 story, 1st is sub-grade and the ER enterence is upper left.

Ed Watters said:
Larry Lasich said:
Are you talking about the Hospital that's around Flintridge? The one where they shot the Terminator movie?

No, Larry this Hospital is Located in East Los Angeles in Battalion 2 . The name of the Hospital is Linda Vista.

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