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My name is Scott Wahlen and I am a Captain in the Boston Fire Department. I run a business on St. John in the USVI where my wife hosts yoga retreats, weddings, adventure retreats and of course rentals however, this is not the reason of my post.
Florian Villa gives away time to families of fallen firefighters and offers personal retreats at no cost. It also hosts SUDS (soldiers undertaking disable scuba) twice a year and disabled veterans come down to receive their open water certification after doing there pool time at Walter Reed. The reason for this post is to invite any families that would like to stay at Florian that suffered a LODD and also to ask the support of other firefighters. Check out the about us section on Florian Villa's website and please read the Boston Globe article, Healing Wounds in Paradise, as it sums up our story. Thanks for your time.

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