Fire Engineering Training Community

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There have been a few discussions on what some dept.'s set there nozzles at on their handlines. I know of 3 area dept.'s with 3 different settings, and all 3 are different: 200 GPM, 125 GPM, and 95 GPM. The other interesting note is all three could be at the same fire flowing different volumes.

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I hope the guys running their nozzles at 95 gpm didn't waste their money on 1.75" hose!! Our fixed gallonage fog nozzles are set on 200 gpm. Around us everyone has a mix of fog nozzles and most of them are automatics. I'm in hopes that we will begin to run smoothbores and at least one Vindicator on our new lead engine. We've been slowly showing our personnel the "safety" of fog patterns is grossly exaggerated.
At my vollie company we keep our fog's set on 200 gpm on 1 3/4" , our front bumper lines are 125 gpm on a 150' of 1 3/4" (trash line) and we keep a 1 1/4" tip on our 2 1/2". At work, I set ours to 200 gpm on the 1 3/4" and 250 gpm on the 2 1/2". I check them every morning because some engineers will set them at 150 gpm.


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