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Do any departments have a program with your local PD on teaching them how to stay out of the way at a fire scene?

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Our PD Is great to work with we have no problems. The PD guys are in and out of the station all day long and they start there day off with a cup of fire house coffee. I can even go to say that our third shift guys have help us lay lines to the plug.
My department has a pretty good relationship with the cops. Most of the time we deal with them at motor vehicle accidents and they are good about doing their job and not interrupting what our job is most of the time. There are a few times where there is an issue, but that is taken care of properly and usually thats the end of it. As i see it, they do what they need to get done and we all ccompromise to make each other's job a little easier. I think its good that we make a relationship with the police prior to an inccident to make sure we know how eachother operates.
My department doesn't have a real problem with the PD. Actually some of the PD is members of the FD as well. There have been a few incidents where the police car is in the way but they move them right away. I do have to give credit to the police department where I am. They keep civilians out of way so we can operate safely!
In my dept for the most part, we get along with the pd. except for the few who do not understand what we do. We get cop cars in front of houses, fire hydrants and inside of buildings before we even get there. This happens on alarms with nothing showing and other calls. Where I teach, we get the pd recruit classes for a couple of days for fire training. Every new PD recruit should attend some type of fire training before they " hit the streets". How do other dept's deal with this issues.
We have a good working relationship with our local police depts.
Cops don't belong in burning buildings or parked anywhere near them period. If they can get people out, thats a plus, but if they in turn get in trouble, they become part of the problem. If they had scored 2 points higher on the test, they could have been firefighters.
On my dept,we work well,with the PD,,,If there is and fire,etc ,we say move over PD,they do,After wards they can do what ,must be done for their records,and so on.Going to and call from the FD,the Police has to move over,On the way back,oh yea,we do the speed limit. We have a couple of Policeman on our depts. I think we work well,to gather...
Being and X security policeman,,,we respect the PD,and them ,Our FD...Brenda
I finished up and arson investigation classes,mostly pd were there.That is one class I really liked,and took notice,because we have had a few arson fires,this year.
When we arrive on and scene ,fd,the policeman,usually is out the way,unless the Chiefs of the departments ,Or IC ,I say Asked the PD to help.In traffic control and so on. On our dept,there is no fooling around,we get down to business,One thing in our dept is RESPECT,Know how to do what you are qualified to do...
i am a instructor at our county fire academy. during the pd recruit class they receive a week of fire training. it does help a little. it seems when they get to hometowns they fall into the same old routine.
Ours does not. but the Sheriff loves to get in the way and actually try to fighter the fire. This includes the HERO sysndrome of even trying the rescue. I have actually told them to get out of our way or I will press charges. One case I did call dispatch to have other deputies come and remove a deputy for interference. As Chief I have the authority to have them arrested.
i find it interesting that you ''will press charges''. The police are the persons who actually complete the paperwork , and file the information-that is..''pressing the charges''-do you really think that they are gonna send other uniformed officers and take another uniformed officer away in cuffs? what state are you from....?im interested in your authority as chief to have someone actually arrested just because you have the ''authority''.
I live in North Carolina and yes As Chief I have the authority to have someone arrested because they are interfering in the duties of a public officer. Yes I have had persons arrested for interfering. I give two warnings and then game on. In all of my cases so far it has been State Highway Patrol that comes removes the people or explains to them what authority I have when a call goes out. I have been a Chief officer for about 8 years and only have had issues with the public including two with the Sheriffs office about 5 times. In both of those cases the SHP told his partners to remove him from the scene and that ended the issue. If you still doubt my words please pull up the NC general statues. Remember, I work for the public so I do not go looking for trouble.

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