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WOW - what a great phone call I recieved last night - A group that again has stepped forth to provide for the actual needs of the Fire Serice employee.- A huge thanks and way to go to The F.O.O.L.S. International - helping to provide A.D.D insurance coverages for our members at very reasonable rates.
Keep up the great work and I am very proud to be a member of such a caring organization.

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Besides my Department the F.O.O.L.S. Is the best thing I have joined in the fire service. This is just one of the reasons why. I think every brother should be a F.O.O.L.S. member
I think the F.O.O.L.S. is an outstanding advocate for the the fire service and promoting our job. I also think that it would be great if we all could be members without facing prejudice...but I know from experience that not all F.O.O.L.S chapters will allow everyone to become a member or start another chapter. The reasoning that certain brothers say is behind selective membership is to uphold the integrity and traditions of the fire service that the chapter believes in. Well my question is then; how can the brothers who are a little less knowledgeable in certain areas become more aware of these things we hold so near and dear if we do not include them and teach them these things? The International says that anyone can become a member regardless but must hold true to the traditions of the fire service and the safety and trainng of our brothers. I guess it is left up to the individual chapters on how and whom they choose to allow among the ranks. I am not bashing or rearing up against this group or anyone. I am just simply voicing my opinion much like our brothers have before on these forums. I feel that there is still some bias and hurdles that must be overcome before the Brotherhood can truly rise to the top. I was once told that I think differently and usually go the opposite way the crowd does...I am a team player but we are not Lemmings or are we? I know I will probably pay the price for voicing my opinion about this but if I just stand idly by and continue to keep my mouth shut I am not trying to make the situation better. If the colonials just sat back and ignored the problems in their day, we would all be having tea and crumpets instead of beer and hotwings.

Lets work on making our Brotherhood be like the way we say it's supposed to be...UNITED and FREE of politics!

I agree with you, I facing this same problem in my local area now. I will say the F.O.O.L.S chapter I wanted to get in, went back and forth whether they wanted more members or not. The International has been great, they are working on getting me into one of two other chapters in my area. I never believed, until this happened, that certain chapters were their own Frat house. I mean no offense to all the outstanding F.O.O.L.S chapters throughout the country. The chapter will come along with the international's help and from speaking to them, they are not fond of the selection process of certain chapters.

Jeff thanks for your input, it's much appreciated. I am glad to hear the International is helping you. I contacted them a long time ago and told them my story. I emailed the board and the only person I heard from was Ellen. She is a very nice lady but pretty much said that no new chapters were going to be allowed in our area. We have fd's who are not in the current charter or are represented. My idea was to encompass the outlying areas and hold meetings in a different location each month since we are talking two main highways and several miles to hundreds in between. I love everyone of my brothers in our local chapter and many I have know for almost 18 years since I first came here and are my bestest of friends. I do my best to walk the walk and it is not always easy as it is to talk it but sometimes you get put down for it saying that you don't embrace it because you are not one of them...well who exactly are them? Last time I checked we all did the same job and not one of us is any better or worse than the other because most of us have been in the same position at one time or the other in our lives as the FNG or Probie. Are we and do we truly want to be hypocrites trying to get one up on each other or are we a band of brothers fighting for the what is right and honorable for what we hold dear..."The Greates Job in the World!

Actiones Nonverba, KTF-RFB-DTRT-EGH-FTM-PTB Deed not words, are nothing if we don't hold ourselves accountable for what these things stand for.



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