Fire Engineering Training Community

Where firefighters come to talk training

National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive
Gaithersburg, MD 20899

September 3rd, 2008
9 AM to 3:30 PM
Building 101 – Green Auditorium

This presentation will discuss how building geometry, materials, furnishings, ventilation and firefighting tactics can influence fire growth and spread leading to untenable conditions for firefighters. Fire behavior will be described using a combination of videos and data to characterize the thermal environment that firefighters may be exposed to.

Fire behavior or fire dynamics is based on the fundamental relationship between fuel, oxygen and heat, i.e. the fire triangle. The type of fuel, the location of fuel in the room, the geometry of the fuel, building construction and ventilation can have a significant effect on the speed of fire growth and spread. Ventilating the structure can provide cooling by removing heat. But ventilating a “fuel rich” room may cause a flashover, by allowing fresh air into the structure. It is important to remember that smoke is fuel. Ventilation does not equal cooling. Understanding ventilation will lead to improved tactical decisions, such as when to use positive pressure ventilation.

REGISTRATION – Seating is limited and you must pre-register in order to attend.
You can register online. Attendees will receive NIST developed DVDs that contain the videos used in the seminar. Registration will end on August 18th, 2008 or when conference room space is filled.

The seminar is free. Morning coffee and lunch will be provided at no cost.
Any questions about the seminar, please e-mail:
Dan Madrzykowski, or Steve Kerber,

Views: 68

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