Fire Engineering Training Community

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Today is the 2 year anniversary of the 4 Firefighters killed in the line of duty in Houston, TX. I am 3 weeks shy of being 32 years old and I have been to my share of these LODD funerals, and posted the pics of their names, badges, faces etc on my facebook account. I take the memory of these fine few who made the ultimate sacrifice as an opportunity to continue their legacy, but also to create awareness. Awareness that none of us are invincible, we are all men and women utilizing our skills that the good lord gave us to help people. Sometimes we make it back safe, sometimes it was just "smells & bells" but there is always the possibility that one day he will come calling for us. We must be humble to the fact that it is an honor to do the work we do, and we must never think we are too good that this can't happen to us, we must train, stay alert, stay focused and do our best. If the day comes for us to hang our helmet for good and walk into the gates of the chief of chiefs, we must know that we were prepared and didn't go in vain. Keep the memories of those who have passed before us alive by remembering them every chance you can. R.I.P. Brothers & Sisters.

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