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How do you notify members of the dept. regarding dangerous building conditions? Is it effective? Are mutual aid departments considered?

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We don't really have a formal process for this situation. In the past, this has mostly been done by word of mouth to the crews and stations. Unfortunately not everyone received the information. Many times these conditions are found on calls and are passed onto our building inspectors. Sometimes they will post a memo at the stations regarding these conditions to all personnel. On a recent medical call to a converted apartment building, we found a person living in extremely dangerous conditions. I had seen a memo that a dept had posted on and I adapted that for our use. (Thanks guys!) It was a great memo and was very effective. We went back to the apartment and took pictures of the building and the best ways to access this person in case of a fire. These pics were posted with the memo and posted at our stations for all to see. We also talked about starting a file on our computers so they can always be accessed, even on scene.
in NOrth Hudson, we use a Hazardous Vacant Building Marking system that is SOP-driven. Documentation is passed to companies, Dispatch to be included in CADS and Dispatch info and copies go to the building official of each town. In my old dept we used an exceptional building report that was placed on an arch board for all to see. Sometimes we put out memos with pics so personnel can see the building and maybe a hazard and then go check it out. The key is to have a mechanism in place to pass onthe info
good deal
stay safe
have attached a copy of a HVB memo The exceptional building report can be found on pg 385
That's great that your dispatch will give you that info. That is an awesome memo also. Here's an example of what we did:
add some pics to these if you can
they show what words can never show and miost guys like pics better than words
they will always look at the pics
they rarely read all the words
stya safe
We seem to have enough trouble just letting all of our folks know about current information. There are so many things that I pick up from talking about issues, it really makes my to-do list longer than ever. Still, thanks for the idea.


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