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Are any of the rescue tools designed to handle the new materials being used in vehicles. The new materials seem to be higher tensile strength than the hydraulic tools are designed to cut. I am having trouble keeping up with vehicle specifications and what is available in rescue tools.

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I know we have the MOC Ultra cutter from Hurst and it is rated at a cutting force of 195,126 lbs. We have been told that this cutter will be able to cut the new materials that are put into the cars today. However we have not had the chance to cut any of this material in real life or traning. I also know that one of our mutial aid departments runs Holmotro and they to have a cutter which claims to be able to cut such materials. As for the other mfg. out there I am not sure what they have to offer.
Actually besides Hurst & Holmatro, TNT, Genesis & ResQTec has "new vehicle techology" friendly cutters. Basically besides higher & higher cutting forces needed all these cutter have different blade shapes and higher strength tool steel than their "normal" counterparts. One of the things to remember with ultra high strength material is that it will not "cut" - it actually fractures or breaks. It can inpart some significant energy and even some small debris. Some of these reenforcements can be difficult to sever in anyway shape or form. Check out my article in the October '06 FE e-suppliment on extrication
I have to echo Dave Dalrymple's reply. Also check with the tool manufactures directly. They have a ton of info online and are pretty helpfull when contacting them.
I find that besides relying on tool manufacturers, the vehicle manufacturers are also one excellant source of information. They can provide the types of material used in the construction of autos, as well as provide a training guideline/program on vehicle rescue. I am told that most of todays tools are already on their way to being obsolete, and modern tech is having a difficult time keeping up.

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