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I am looking for information to develop a training needs assessment for planning and evaluating training needs in my department. I am also looking for info if anyone uses captains/officers surveys for feedback on training.

Rob O.

Views: 374

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How has the feedback been from the surveys? Do you feel they are implemented? What are some of the challenges you see to the implementation of changes?

Thanks for your input!



I would be interested in learning from your training survey as well if you wouldn't mind. My e-mail addresses are ans

Thank you for your input.

Mr. Tuckey,

One area we seem to struggle with is post incident analysis. Fortunately there haven't been major mistakes made on recent incidents but there always seems to be too many egos involved and even constructive thoughts brought up seem to be met with defensiveness, etc. Have you experienced this and if so, what tools do you use to overcome this roadblock?

Thanks for your input!

Micheal, I wouldn't mind having a copy of that survey if its not too much trouble. Thanks, Jim
Our Post Incident Analysis are often a hot bed of emotions as many people feel personally attacked or blame is being placed on them. This is tough to work with. As a chief I have found that it helps when we as chief officers openly admit and accept fault on our part during the PIA. We need to reinforce that the PIA's are an excellent training aid and learning tool and have to work hard at keeping emotions from getting out of hand.
I agree with you that line officers should have input into training goals and needs. You might consider limiting their number of suggestions in the survey to about 5 and have them prioritize them. Of course, depending on the hazards in their respective response ares, there will be some similarities as well as some really different needs. Limiting the number of suggestions gives you a good base needs assessment to go by without having to wade through a huge amount of data. I have even done it where we told the company officers to come up with ideas for solutions that cost no money. They can be really creative when you prompt them that way.


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