Fire Engineering Training Community

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Our department has budgeted to build a tabletop simulator this year, i have been put in charge of the project, does anyone have any ideas, comments, resources, ect... that could help with this project. If you have done one of your own please let us know what to expect or any issues you have had. Also any scenario ideas would be appriciated.

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Brandon, I used one at a Class I took on command. It was for Police and Fire. It was great using the tabletop simulator with all the buildings and matchbox cars and trucks. It allowed me to see what was actually going on and then to communicate that back to the EOC people in the other room. It definitely helps you visualize things better when you are the Incident Commander doing the simulation. It worked great having this in conjunction with the Police so they could get used to doing Unified Command for the scenario. There is a company that sells these and of course I can't find the magazine that it's listed in. I know Clinton, Iowa FD had bought one of these from this company. the company's ad is usually located in the rear of either Fire Chief or Fire Rescue magazine in the classified ads section. We ran some scenarios that involved PD like I said that were like terrorist events with a haz mat scenario and terroists and basically we had to figure out things like evacuations of buildings and staging and calling for more resources and sheltering evacuees. The scenarios involved people in another room that were filling out the ICS 200 forms and doing planning for us, ordering up resources etc.

Hi Brandon,


This looks like an old post, but if you are still looking for ideas go to



Jesse Quinalty said:

Hi Brandon,


This looks like an old post, but if you are still looking for ideas go to





Send me an email and I can give you the spec on how we used to set-up our stuff when I did this type of training as a small business.  I'll even forward to you the PPTs I generated, the checklists and everything I have.  I'll give you everything that you need to make this happen for your Department.



Hey Mike,


How is everything going? Are you still working at the Fort?



Yep, and life is awwwwwwwesome.....  Living and loving life on the Truck.

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