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Does anyone have a time trade policy for the following scenario? 

A time trade is made between two firefighters.  FF A is working for FF B on Sunday March 5th.  There is no trade back date as FF B is going to bank these hours and use them from FF A at a later date.  On Saturday March 4th FF A is working his normal shift and is injured.  FF A is unabe to work for FF B the next day.  FF B is out of town and can't get a hold of him.  No one works on the 5th.  Unable to to do this as no one else is off and doesn't fall below minimum manning.  Is FF B going to have to use vacation time for the 5th?  What if he is out of vacation time?  If you have any policy that would cover this situation please let me know.



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31.1    Employees of equal skill or rank shall have the option to trade shifts or portions of shifts. Shift trades are an agreement between employees done on a voluntary basis. The employee participating in a shift trade shall be entitled to all benefits afforded to on duty employees. 

     31.1.2  Shift trades are intended to incur no cost to the Department.

    31.1.3  Shift trade hours shall not constitute hours for calculating FLSA.  

    31.1.4  The Employer shall have no obligation to keep records of shift trades.

    31.1.5  The employees, with the concurrence of the Battalion Chief, shall be responsible for arranging and carrying out a shift trade.


31.2    All shift trade documentation, with appropriate signatures, shall be completed before the trade using the agreed upon form or electronic process.  The Battalion Chief shall approve such shift trades.


31.2.1  Once the shift trade documentation or electronic process is completed and approved by the Battalion, the shift then becomes the responsibility of the employee accepting the trade.


31.2.2  An employee who agrees to a shift trade and subsequently fails to complete the trade shall be held responsible for the hours agreed to, as follows:


An employee who fails to report for an agreed upon shift trade shall be charged the equivalent incurred cost of the Department for replacement out of their vacation bank in hours (i.e., overtime replacement 24 hours equates to 36 hours vacation) at a rate of 1 1/2 hours for each hour not worked.  If no overtime is incurred, then the employee will be charged vacation leave at the regular rate.                    An employee who calls in sick prior to an agreed upon shift trade shall be charged the equivalent incurred cost of the department for replacement out of their sick leave bank of hours (i.e. overtime replacement of 24 hours equates to 36 hours sick leave) at the rate of 1-1/2 hours for each hour not worked.  If no overtime is incurred, then the employee will be charged sick leave at the regular rate.  An employee without sufficient sick leave to cover the equivalent cost shall have the commensurate hours taken from their vacation bank.


     A trade shall be cancelled if the employee responsible to cover the trade has a disability or approved FMLA leave, is unable to cover the trade and the scheduled trade is greater than two shifts days in the future.  The employee responsible may find another employee to work the trade using the agreed upon process.


31.2.3                          An employee responsible to cover a shift trade that is out on a disability or approved FMLA less than 30 days prior to the agree upon trade and is unable to complete the trade, shall maintain the option to cover the agreed upon trade with another trade or be charged the equivalent cost out of vacation bank hours.


31.3            If an employee becomes sick or disabled while in the performance

of a shift trade obligation and leaves work, sick leave will be charged to that individual as described in Article 18 – Sick Leave.


31.4        Shift trades during bereavement leave will be counted as shifts off as outlined in Article 19 of this Agreement.


31.5    Employees may be allowed to relieve another employee serving the previous shift trade prior to the actual scheduled starting time of the oncoming shift or may holdover for up to two (2) hours without notification of the Battalion Chief.





Let me know if this works for you


Be safe





Thank you for the quick response.  It does help.

Thanks again

Eric Bunkofske

John K. Murphy said:



31.1    Employees of equal skill or rank shall have the option to trade shifts or portions of shifts. Shift trades are an agreement between employees done on a voluntary basis. The employee participating in a shift trade shall be entitled to all benefits afforded to on duty employees. 

     31.1.2  Shift trades are intended to incur no cost to the Department.

    31.1.3  Shift trade hours shall not constitute hours for calculating FLSA.  

    31.1.4  The Employer shall have no obligation to keep records of shift trades.

    31.1.5  The employees, with the concurrence of the Battalion Chief, shall be responsible for arranging and carrying out a shift trade.


31.2    All shift trade documentation, with appropriate signatures, shall be completed before the trade using the agreed upon form or electronic process.  The Battalion Chief shall approve such shift trades.


31.2.1  Once the shift trade documentation or electronic process is completed and approved by the Battalion, the shift then becomes the responsibility of the employee accepting the trade.


31.2.2  An employee who agrees to a shift trade and subsequently fails to complete the trade shall be held responsible for the hours agreed to, as follows:


An employee who fails to report for an agreed upon shift trade shall be charged the equivalent incurred cost of the Department for replacement out of their vacation bank in hours (i.e., overtime replacement 24 hours equates to 36 hours vacation) at a rate of 1 1/2 hours for each hour not worked.  If no overtime is incurred, then the employee will be charged vacation leave at the regular rate.                    An employee who calls in sick prior to an agreed upon shift trade shall be charged the equivalent incurred cost of the department for replacement out of their sick leave bank of hours (i.e. overtime replacement of 24 hours equates to 36 hours sick leave) at the rate of 1-1/2 hours for each hour not worked.  If no overtime is incurred, then the employee will be charged sick leave at the regular rate.  An employee without sufficient sick leave to cover the equivalent cost shall have the commensurate hours taken from their vacation bank.


     A trade shall be cancelled if the employee responsible to cover the trade has a disability or approved FMLA leave, is unable to cover the trade and the scheduled trade is greater than two shifts days in the future.  The employee responsible may find another employee to work the trade using the agreed upon process.


31.2.3                          An employee responsible to cover a shift trade that is out on a disability or approved FMLA less than 30 days prior to the agree upon trade and is unable to complete the trade, shall maintain the option to cover the agreed upon trade with another trade or be charged the equivalent cost out of vacation bank hours.


31.3            If an employee becomes sick or disabled while in the performance

of a shift trade obligation and leaves work, sick leave will be charged to that individual as described in Article 18 – Sick Leave.


31.4        Shift trades during bereavement leave will be counted as shifts off as outlined in Article 19 of this Agreement.


31.5    Employees may be allowed to relieve another employee serving the previous shift trade prior to the actual scheduled starting time of the oncoming shift or may holdover for up to two (2) hours without notification of the Battalion Chief.





Let me know if this works for you


Be safe




-We allow shift trading. The mutual exchange of a tour of duty must be executed within 60 days. If the firefighter is unable to complete the shift trade for whatever reason, he is responsible for the shift. That means that he must find someone to fill the slot; ie a third trade (he now owes two guys a shift each) or he is required to use sick hours. Worst case is that he's  responsible to the city for the monetary value of the city running an overtime to cover the shift.

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