Fire Engineering Training Community

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Thanks to Michael Bricault for this discussion
Take a look at this clip.

It speaks right to the heart of the conversation on coordination and proper ventilation. Notice a few things.
1. Is ventilation being performed? Is it adequate or improper?
2. Are personnel being used adequately?
3. Is the roof ventilation timely enough to assist the firefighting effort or is it just damage?
4. Does it appear that a search is being addressed?
5. Is the 1 3/4 hose the correct size line for this fire?

Be a thinking firefighter and not a reacting one. Stay safe.

Views: 248

Replies to This Discussion

Guys, let me ask this of departments or others that are familiar with small dept ops. If they have short manning on the intital alarm, can they and will they send a FF to the rear to vent opposite the hose line advance? this would have helped the operation in the video alot.
We'll do both of those here also. Although we usually can't get to the rear to a do a full 360 walk we'll vent the windows and then enter. We have a bunch of single engines that are housed without trucks so the officer or engr wil often do just what you described. The wait for th some trucks can be 3 - 4 minutes if the fire is rigth across the stret from the fire house. It's all about understanding what will happen when we do it. I think there is something to be said for letting the fire do what it wants to do then go in to put it out.


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