Fire Engineering Training Community

Where firefighters come to talk training

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Since We're Talking Ventilation....

Since posting the video on PPV, I have been sent links to many other videos on PPV, ventilation and flashover. Some were good and some…

Started by Jason Hoevelmann

11 May 31, 2010


I am just looking for opinions on a question I have with manpower.. Is it better to have a fully staffed Engine arrive at a house fire (fu…

Started by Shaun

5 May 31, 2010
Reply by Mark Wadsworth

Remembering All of the Fallen

In addition to remembering our fallen troops, I thought it would be fitting to add a special post to remember our fallen Brothers and Si…

Started by Jason Hoevelmann

2 May 31, 2010

Memorial Day - Thank you

Thank you all who served our country in a military uniform during peace and war. You continue serving your country in a different uniform;…

Started by John K. Murphy

0 May 30, 2010

Single stage vs two-stage fire pumps

There is an excellant article in the May 2010 issue of Fire Apparatus & Emergency Equipment on page 18. It points out about the extra w…

Started by Bob Franklin

0 May 29, 2010

Honoring Our Troops

Not that this is related to Fire , But lets all take amoment to Honor Those who have served and are still are serving this Great nation we…

Started by Mike France

0 May 28, 2010

Looking for information on medical exams

My department is currently revisiting the issue of wellness and fitness as a full spectrum topic. The department consists of 116 paid perso…

Started by kendell dunham

2 May 27, 2010
Reply by kendell dunham me realize my goals as a canine handler!

I have always wanted to be a canine handler...I am not on any USAR team and have not applied. I want to be fully prepared when I present th…

Started by Danielle Dennis

2 May 27, 2010
Reply by Danielle Dennis

Fire Department Physicals

I am throwing this out there, last year our Board adpoted NFPA stanadard 1582 , and made it manadatory for yearly physicals for all, last y…

Started by Mike France

7 May 26, 2010
Reply by Michael Bricault (ret)

Remembering at FDIC 2010

Remembering those who have fallen at FDIC 2010. Every time I hear this I get goose bumps. I was there, and it truly was a great time. There…

Started by Jason Hoevelmann

7 May 26, 2010
Reply by Mike France


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