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OK. Here is a tough question, you want to modify the tools, but the Captains on the other shift(s)don't. Because they're SORRY, The guy supposeddly in charge says You must have a cosnsensus between all three shifts(he is SORRY and worthless)What do you do?

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I would say it depends on the modification. I know from experience that if everyone is not on the same page there could be trouble. We had an incident where another shift decided to tie marker knots in our engines search rope without going through proper channels or informing the other shifts. Lucky we found the knots during training and not at a fire. The rope did not deploy correctly and it got hung up while using it as we had used it in the past. Long story short everyone needs to be on the same page. The same goes for moving equipment.

Good question
Good point. This goes as far as a B/C ordering the Captain of a downtown engine company to leave the FOG nozzle on the deck gun because "We've always done it that way " and he doesn't like stack tips ever since a Captain put out a truck fire with a deck gun,stack tips and didn't run out of water.
It's easier to ask for for forgiveness...than permission.
I went through this very situation in my department, I wanted to modify some of the tools and there was one Captain who was absolutely against any tools being modified what so ever. So finally I said "screw it" and went out and bought my own. After about one year and the modifications coming in quite handy at a couple of jobs the Captain in question had a miraculous change of heart and all of the tools on the rigs are modified.

I truly believe that "seeing is believing" and if you can borrow a tool that has the modification that you would like to do so that you can show the importance of the simple change than selling the modification will be that much easier. The alternative is to “buck up” and buy your own tools….. if your department will let you!!

Stay Safe Brothers!
May be the answer. I'm glad I'm done with this department! I can't abandon the guys! It's a Charleston waiting to happen! I promised to come back and testify!

Andrew Brassard said:
I went through this very situation in my department, I wanted to modify some of the tools and there was one Captain who was absolutely against any tools being modified what so ever. So finally I said "screw it" and went out and bought my own. After about one year and the modifications coming in quite handy at a couple of jobs the Captain in question had a miraculous change of heart and all of the tools on the rigs are modified.

I truly believe that "seeing is believing" and if you can borrow a tool that has the modification that you would like to do so that you can show the importance of the simple change than selling the modification will be that much easier. The alternative is to “buck up” and buy your own tools….. if your department will let you!!

Stay Safe Brothers!


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