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      I’ve got a question regarding awards and ceremonies. We are a small volunteer department that has 23 currently active members. We are working on establishing an awards list that defines what awards we have available and what is to be accomplished in order to be eligible for nomination. I am asking if anyone would be able to send me a list/breakdown, of what your department has as far as awards goes. We are wanting to create something that motivates members to WANT to make the change for the better and WANT to receive or be eligible for an award while at the same time assuring they are not only given out because they have to be. Please let me know, I would greatly appreciate any assistance from anyone.   



Dan Rice

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Dan we do a Firefighter of the year, EMT of the year, and an Unselfish service award plus years of service awards. We are a small department 40 members 80/20 type.

Gotcha, is there a specific criteria that one must meet in order to be eligable for the awards?


Not really. The membership votes on who ever they think did a great job over the past year. The Unselfish award is picked by the chief officers on who went above and beyond during the year (training and calls) you know the guys that bust there butt not a board checker.

Cool, thanks for the input


Dan, I tweeted your request but this might help you put together your own Medal day awards, it list the medals and criteria

Thanks Charlie good stuff

Charlie Rivera said:

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