Fire Engineering Training Community

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Hello Brothers/ Sister of the Fire Service!!!


We have an Academy starting soon. I am intrested in any new ideas that you may use in your fire department/ Academy, for PPE. I have taught the usual, Donning/ Doffing, Equipment familiarization ( SCBA, Turnout gear, on in 1 min, and breathing air in 2 min) but I am looking for something new to bring to the table to assist firefighters for a rookie class. I also cover "Whats in your pockets", to bring a newer perspective. Anything you can suggest will be helpful. Thanks

God Bless

Stay Safe


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Teach them how put on SCBA while seatbelted in... stress the importance of Air Management and the ROAM principles....Show them the "Out Of Air" video   Stress knowing your gear, be able to put on SCBA using gloves, and activate blindfolded etc... I believe it is important to stress early on how important daily checks are, and being intimate with your gear , we all know we get bad habits as we get complacent and the earlier good habits are drilled into us, hopefully the longer they will stay with us!  Take care and be safe leading a new generation of brothers in learning the art of firefighting!

Once they are proficient in gear and SCBA donning/doffing try this with them.

Take a small group at a time maybe 6 FF at a time. Place them in a room blindfolded or using a 2nd hood on back-wards. Take their gear and SCBA in front of them but completely dis-assemble the SCBA. You can make it as easy or hard as you want to here. It would depend on the current level of the FF on how hard you make this. This is not a timed event! Well at least to start!!

Have them get their PPE on including helmet and gloves then re-assemble their SCBA and get it on and get on air. Once they are on air have them activate their PASS device and then hand them a coupling of two lengths of hose and have them find their way out of the room.

This drill not timed as it is not really realistic. This is a drill to increase their knowledge and their confidence and their knowledge in their equipment.

Above is just a thought you can adapt it to your needs. The only thing I caution is I don't like to recommend this stuff done in a darkened room. You need to have your instructors present with the ability to watch your FF's to prevent injuries.

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