Fire Engineering Training Community

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I am interested in any information from those in departments which conduct any form of marine training. Marine firefighting is my primary focus but any topic is of interest. I am exploring what I believe to be a siginificant gap in available resources and formal training in the fire service.

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Do a member search for PJ Johnson from Maine. He will tell you everything you need to know. Tell him "UL" sent you!
Good luck!

We do some Marine training. We have a marine company (3 men per shift) that staffs three boats and are supplemented by the land companies. We did at least one day maybe two on marine firefighting during our academy but not much since then. I do know that the Captain of our marine company does go around doing some marine training, hes co-teaching with a Captain from Portsmouth NH a class on Marine firefighting for land based companies through maine maritime coming up shortly. I agree with Greg to PJ Johnson is a great contact as well. Good luck.
My Dept is situated on a Island within Jamaica Bay NY thus we do a few water rescues a year. This year we have been able to upgrade the boat we use to a 21" ridged inflatable with 2x 90HP engines. Thus we now need a program to train possible opperators we are starting with the USCG boater safety course from there we will train the specifics of rescue.
We had the same problem several years ago on the Delaware River. A local organziation, the Marine Firefighting Task Force, had been in place since a couple of catastrophic ship fires in the river. We had primarily done exercises with the departments along the river, but several of the chiefs began requesting training. We tried to steal someones, but there just wasn't anything out there in the 90's. We grouped together in 1994 and created a committee that developed a training package based upon NFPA 1405. It has changed many times over the years and is undergoing another modficiation to address the new NFPA 1005 Standard published last year. In addition, the state's and the Coast Guard formed a non-profit in the region to maintain the training and has been actively providing it for the last 10 years. It was successful enough that FDNY went through a train-the-trainer and now uses the training program as well. More info can be found at as well.

In addition, there are several other port areas like Hampton Roads, VA, Boston, and Seattle that have active groups that deal with marine fireghting.

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