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I've been tasked to write a new driver's training program. I'm looking for a few suggestions from other departments that are out there. We have nothing "official" in writing. I have an idea where I want to go with the program but I'm looking for a good program out there to base mine off.

Lt. Gerry DiNunzio
West Chester (Pa) Fire Department

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Are you thinking of cribing from1002 or working from a departments Driver/Operator class format?
Yes a little of both. I just obtained a copy of 1002 and I'm trying to digest the 54 pages. I'm also looking for a few ideas from other Departments. We have two engines and two support pieces (No pumps, no water on the support pieces) so I know I can trim down some of what is in 1002.

Larry Lasich said:
Are you thinking of cribing from1002 or working from a departments Driver/Operator class format?
Find someone with a copy of the IFSTA D/O Pumper or Ladder book and see if that will work for you. IFSTA also prints a work book to go with the manual so you can check their work.
You might also want to consider the National Safety Council "EVOC II - Fire" course as a supplement to or basis for your course.
G'Day Gerry

If interested in what we are doing in Australia, I can forward our programs. Our programs are structured around both European and North American teachings. I agree that VFIS offer great programs.
You all have helped me a great deal Thank you very much. I never thought of the IFSTA D/O manual. As a matter of a fact our past chief is a D/O instructor.

Glen I'd love to see what you are doing in Australia. I can be email at

Glenn Jennings said:
G'Day Gerry

If interested in what we are doing in Australia, I can forward our programs. Our programs are structured around both European and North American teachings. I agree that VFIS offer great programs.
Lt, DiNunzio,
I just found your request and would be willing to e-mail to you our driver training manual. Several years ago I was tasked with this same issue. My program is more geared to Ambulance Driver operator as the initial introduction to operating Emergency vehicles. From there, the students then learn how to operate fire deaprtment apparatus. I am constanly looking for ways to improve my class and would be interested in hearing your thoughts and comments on the program that I created.
Thanks for your time,
Ron Taylor
Capt. / Paramedic
Hi Gerry

I've just seen your message that says your looking for info's on driver training program, I'm training instructor for my department and it's part of my job to train drivers and keep on developing the program. Let me know if you are still looking for suggestion or echange of ideas.

Pascal Marchand.
Longueuil fire dept. (Qc) Canada
Thanks for asking this question Gerry, I'm in the same boat, if you don't mind, I'd like to glean off some of the information!

Gerry; Start with NFPA 1002, NFPA 1451; CDL Manual (DOT, FMCRegs CFR 49 sect 340-39x) ; that will lead you to what do others do. Depends on resources and personnel; but VFIS is most basic, although good; you must add much more; check out You will learn a lot in research, there are some great programs with progressive dept's; notably MCFRS, DCFD, FDNY, Charlotte NC and probably many more. Very basic start is USFA's free program, which I suspect VFIS is based on. I suspect the principals in development are the same in both organisations. As far as tools go, Vigil-Solutions and Smith Systems have great potential. I'll know soon enough. That's the direction we are heading in.

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