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We cannot go through our career throwing our hands in the air and giving up when things don't go our way.  Time has a way of rendering jagged edges supple.  It also has a way of softening our perspective, making us less prone to impulsive decisions.  The courage and perseverance that it takes to drive positive change and influence a cultural shift is much less spectacular than the story of one who quits in a fit of passion.  The long road to change is not the spectacle of the former, but is nonetheless a mix of triumph and tragedy.

I am quick to anger, motivated by passion, I have my principles - we all do - and there have been many times when I have been tempted to ring out from being monumentally frustrated and exhausted from jumping through hoops and over hurdles.  I don't know what the keys to success are necessarily, but I know the quickest route to failure is trying to please everyone. 
Passion, patience, and perseverance are the keys to driving positive change.
There is a difference between compromise and being compromised.  Compromise is an agreement or a settlement of a dispute by two sides making concessions.  Compromised is to weaken a reputation or principle by accepting standards that are lower than what is considered acceptable.  It is possible to compromise on an issue without compromising your principles. 

Change what you can change and put the rest aside in the short term.  The big battles will still be there when you get back, better to chip away at them over time than to try to break off a large piece all at once.  The burden you bear will lessen, and your river of personal pessimism will recede because you will witness the positive fruits of your labor in the development of others around you.  

We have to find the thing that drives us most and stick with it. Passion, patience, and perseverance are the keys to driving positive change.  It is patience that makes us choose to work for what we want most versus what we want right now.  Slow, steady, and consistent wins the race.  Stick with it, whatever it might be.  If you don't, you will be forever left with the ache and wonder of what could have been.  You can't make the change if you are not there.

It starts with you.  The choice is yours.

Read the entire blog post: "Three Decades of Perspective"

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