Brian Ward "FireServiceSLT"

Lawrenceville, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Metro Atlanta
Agency structure:
Industrial fire department
Professional Qualifications:
FireServiceSLT is a free training and resource website.
Topics you provide training for:
Instructor Development
Training Officer Development
Crew Resource Management
FF Injuries and LODD's
Brian Ward, Chief of Emergency Operations, Georgia Pacific – Madison (GA). Author of Fire Engineering - Training Officer’s Toolbox and Managing Editor for the Training Officer’s Desk Reference. Brian serves on the ISFSI Board of Directors. He is a member of the Georgia Smoke Divers, currently working on his Master’s in Organizational Leadership from Columbia Southern University and Founder of
Web site:

Comment Wall:

  • Brian Ward "FireServiceSLT"

    Board of Directors for Gwinnett County Leadership and Safety Conference have been selected. Dates and speakers coming soon for 2011 Conference.
  • Brian Ward GSD # 644

    Sorry I missed you in Cherokee last Thursday, I was not able to attend the Everyone Goes Home, maybe you will be some where close later on that I can attend. I finished the FLAMES program this weekend and hve been covered up. See ya son