Jeffrey Post

45, Male

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
South Eastern CT
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
leadership, training and skill building
Professional Qualifications:
Firefighter II
Fire Officer III
Fire Instructor III
Hazardous Materials Technician
Confined Space Rescue Technician
Rope Rescue Technician
Topics you provide training for:
Hazardous Materials
Firefighter I & II
Confined Space Rescue/procedures
Firefighter Safety and Survival
Areas of expertise:
Hazardous Materials
Firefighter I
Ladder company operations
I am living in SE CT, I have been on the job for 8 years and a volunteer for the last 14. I am always looking to expand my contacts on this job and hear about what others are doing. I have been working at a military base FD for the last 10 years & I am an adjunct instructor for the Eastern Connecticut Fire School and an adjunct with the Connecticut Fire Academy. I would like to expand my abilities as an instructor and firefighter. I am a member of the Southern New England FOOLS and Eastern CT Emerald Society. Recently sworn in as a HAZMAT Specialsit for CT-TF1

Comment Wall:

  • Rick Lasky

    Hi Jeffrey,

    Thanks brother and we'll catch you the next time.

    Be safe pal and take care.
