Matt Beakas


United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Northwest, Ohio
Providence Township Fire & Rescue
Firefighter / EMT
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Combination fire department
Top issues in your department:
Training, Retention, Officer Development, Community Relations and Collaboration.
Professional Qualifications:
Live-Fire Instructor
Fire Instructor
Fire Officer I & II
Firefighter II
Swiftwater Technician
Ice Rescue Technician I & II
Auto Extrication Technician I
Machinery Entrapment Technician I
Rope Level I
Confined Space I
Topics you provide training for:
Officer Development Programs
Modern Leadership Practices For Volunteer Departments
Areas of expertise:
The volunteer fire service has undergone tremendous change in the past two decades. Has your department grown and evolved with the changing times? Is it falling further behind? Is your volunteer department struggling with stagnant leadership, attendance issues, recruitment, retention, and training. Our team takes an in-depth look at modern leadership practices for volunteer department success. We will discuss ways to address, plan, and implement positive changes within your department.

Every leader needs professional development. Exposure to fresh ideas, peer collaboration, and guidance on managing their department problems.

Enlightened Leadership Team:

Matt Beakas - Providence Township Fire & Rescue
Ron Kay - Chief, Washington Township & Toledo Fire Department
Brandon Westerman - Bowling Green Fire Division
Published Content:

* Mentoring Volunteers Today - Fire/Rescue Magazine
* The Volunteer Playbook - Fire/Rescue Magazine

Twitter Pages:
@Enlightened Leadership

@Enlightend Leadership

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