Mike Puchol



Profile Information:

Lives in:
Barcelona, Spain
Corbera FD
Deputy Chief
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Volunteer fire department
Top issues in your department:
Equipment and training, we lack both with respect to compartment fires.
Professional Qualifications:
Aeronautical & Mechanic Engineer, Private Pilot's License.
Topics you provide training for:
Radio Communications, CFBT, wildland fires.
Areas of expertise:
Radio & Data communications, including digital radio networks, wildland firefighting, technology applied to firefighting, mountain rescue.
Born in Germany, raised in Spain, and studied in the UK, where I started at an airport fire service. I moved to the north, where I spent just over four years in a Mountain Rescue team. After my studies, I moved back to Spain, where I have worked for the Catalan Fire Dept., helping them deploy and improve their digital (TETRA) radio network. I have also served for 14 years in my home town's volunteer fire department.
Web site:

Comment Wall:

  • Todd McKee

    Hey Chief, WELCOME to the WORLDS Greatest training site. Feel free to join my group called HAZMAT TRAINING & NEWS. I would love to hear your thoughts regarding some of our discussions. Todd McKee
  • Mike Puchol

    Thanks Todd, it's good to be here - having read through the forums, there are some great minds at work here, with plenty to learn!