Sean Gray


Canton, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Canton, Ga
Cobb County Fire and Emergency Services
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Lack of tradition
Professional Qualifications:
NPQ Fire Instructor 2
Haz Mat Technician
Technical Rescue Techncian
Topics you provide training for:
"Attack from the Burned Side" FDIC classroom lecture
"Working in the Fire Flow Path" FDIC HOT class
Areas of expertise:
None- Student of the Fire Service
Sean Gray started in the fire service in 1993 and currently holds the rank of Lieutenant with Cobb County Fire and Emergency Services in Metro Atlanta. He is an appointed member to the UL-FSRI Advisory Board. He has been a UL-FSRI Technical Panel member for the Study of Residential Attic Fire Mitigation Tactics & Exterior Fire Spread Hazards, and was a participant in the IFSI Cardiovascular & Chemical Risks of Modern Firefighting research study. He is currently serving on the UL-FSRI Technical Panel for the Study of the Fire Service Training Environment: Safety, Fidelity, and Exposure. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Fire Safety Engineering from the University of Cincinnati. He has been published in multiple Fire Service publications, is an FDIC H.O.T Lead instructor, and delivers lectures on Evidence-Based Tactics across the U.S.
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