Kyle stenson

52, Male

Prince albert Sk.


Profile Information:

Lives in:
Prince Albert Sask. Canada
Buckland fire dept.
fire fighter
Years of public service:
Just stared about 3 weeks ago
Agency structure:
Volunteer fire department

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  • Megan Walschott


    thanks for the add. Yes! it was a training fire thankfully and no one was in there. It was part of my firefighter II class back in june.
  • Megan Walschott


    Sounds fun! A few months ago we had a car extrication training at my fire house. I have some pictures of it on my page. You should take a look at them. I have more and will post them later
  • Kevin Nowicki

    Hey Kyle-

    Sorry it has taken me so long to return your comment. I agree with your statement, CERTIFICATION WILL GET YOU FAR IN LIFE. Unfortunately, if you are not qualified........certified will get you straight to the end of your life.