Joe McClelland

, Male

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Tinley Park IL.
Midlothian Fire Department IL. Union Professional Firefighter
Deputy Chief
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Combination fire department
Top issues in your department:
Manpower, Training, Leadership
Professional Qualifications:
OPs level in all rescue topics, TPM, F/O 2 Inst II, ISO, rescue diver and lots of other stuff.
Field Instructor with Illinois Fire Service Institute, Cornerstone Program
Topics you provide training for:
All topics
Areas of expertise:
I would never say I am an "expert" in anything, but truck company, rescue and RIT are my passions.
I am the Deputy Chief of our department. We are a combo department with two stations. I have 27 short years in the Fire Service and enjoy learning as much as I can every day to make myself better. I am a Field Instructor for the University of Illinois Fire Service Institute where I am assigned to the Cornerstone Division. I am a member of the International Society of Fire Service Instructors and the Illinois Society of Fire Service Instructors. Member of the SOUTHSIDE F.O.O.L.S.

I'm part of a focus group with Underwriters Laboratories studying he effects of current building construction and room and content materials and seeing how they effect current fire behavior.

I also teach the Fire Officer I-II Program for Rasmussen College here in illinois.

Stay Low and Never Forget! 343

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  • Jeff Clayton

    This may help your quest, if you read it...all of it (it will be tough), you will probably find it educational and eye-opening.
    My apologies if this is a document you have already read.

    Stay safe,
  • Jon Kucharski

    Hey Im finally on this thing. Just replied the the friend request, still gotta get use to this, I like it but think i can get alot more from it with some more time one it
  • Paul Combs

    Thanks, Joe!!