Rick Mosher


Profile Information:

Lives in:
Kansas City Metro
City of Merriam, Kansas Fire Department
Fire Lieutenant
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Professional Qualifications:
Bachelors of Arts in Management and Human Relations
Associate of Arts in Fire Service Administration
Various NFA and State Certifications
Kansas Fire Service Training Commission (Appointed Member for FEAK)
ISFSI International Society of Fire Service Instructors
FOOLS Wheat State Chapter (Kansas City, Lawrence, Ottawa)
IAFF International Association of Firefighters Local 64
FEAK Fire Educators Association of Kansas
Topics you provide training for:
Fire Ground Operations, Mentoring, Fire Officer, FF Safety, Leadership ect.
Areas of expertise:
Not an expert, always a Student of the Fire Service. I do however have some thoughts on the topics below. I learn something new each time I teach.
Training programs
Fire Officer-Leadership
Fire Ground Operations
Firefighter Safety.
Rick Mosher began his fire service career in 1996. Rick is a fourteen year member of the City of Merriam, Kansas Fire Department currently working as a Fire Lieutenant assigned to a fire suppression company. (Merriam is a suburb of Kansas City, Missouri located in the urban belt.) In addition he currently handles department training and career development and teaches the Aerial Andy Fire and Injury prevention program to fifth grade students attending Merriam Schools. Rick is appointed to the Kansas Fire Service Training Commission. Rick actively teaches for the University of Kansas Fire and Rescue Training Institute. He Adjunct Facility for Johnson County Community College Fire Academy Course. Rick holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Management and Human Relations, Associate of Arts degree in Fire Service Administration, and holds various NFA and State Certifications. Rick is also a member of ISFSI, FOOLS IAFF and FEAK.
Web site:

Comment Wall:

  • Erik Kallauner

  • Emily MacMurchy

    Lt. Mosher - Thanks for the add. I look forward to learning the tricks of the trade of the service. I have enjoyed all your classes and the extra shared knowledge. Thanks for being a great firefighter and trainer.