Austin Lindsey

37, Male

Port Orchard

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Port Orchard, Wa
South Kitsap Fire Rescue
Years of public service:
4 total 2.5 of them career
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
We were just approved for a grant to purchase a new Ladder truck. EMS levy that if we do not pass we will lose 25% of out budget. Yikes!!
Professional Qualifications:
Firefighter I & II, HAZMAT OPPS, EMT-B, Instructor I
2nd generation firefighter started riding at 16 and became a volunteer/ resident/ part time paid at 18 for 3 different fire department. at 19 I was hired full time. I just recently joined the Puget Sound FOOLS and am learning a lot about traditions and the brotherhood of the fire service. I can't get enough of it and am truely blessed to have made friends with guys from all around the country since becoming a FOOL.

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  • Ben Fleagle

    Do not fret yourself, hectic isn't quite the word for it. We we're tapped out to a 5th floor fire at one of the derelict high rises in Fairbanks the night I spoke with you, had an MCI drill the next day and I spent the entire one day between playing with my kids and getting ready to duck hunt, re-order books for a class coming up, plan the next FOOLS mtg, etc............ I can relate.
  • Ben Fleagle

    Hey Brother: Just luck of the draw. The other two shifts haven't had anything but EMS runs and lots of 'em.

    I'm plum wore out. Between late night calls on duty and workin hard at home I'm nearly loco. The fires have been small, but because of the types of buildings involved, they were fairly significant. The Fairbanks bunch are fast moving and aggressive on quick knock downs. But when we get big fire, we tend to miss step a bit because we don't get them as often and are not quick to transition.
  • Ben Fleagle

    Here's to all our young brothers!!! Trying to find their way in a sea of ambiguity, misinformation, jealousy and apathy! Holdfast, little brother, HOLDFAST! If you do not keep moving forward, who will?