Katey Scripter



United States

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Lives in:
Denver, CO
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Please check out my website for photos!
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  • Tiger Schmittendorf

    WOW Katey -

    You're off to a great start in a successful photography career with those photos. Great depth and contrast.

    If I ever need stock photography to accompany my articles or promotional work, I'll keep you in mind. Please send me some contact info.

    Keep up the great work.
  • Evan Soibelman

    Hey Katey, sorry you had class today. We just returned from a very good working house fire down south. Would have made for some excellent photo ops. I'll definitely keep you in mind when we have some training evolutions. Evan
  • Keith Weuve

    How is the fire art world in denver? You have a good eye, keep it up. Here in KC it sucks. All the people I had lined up the sell some of my prints (Fire Fighting Pastels drawings) have no money right now. There is alot of fire fighters out of part-time jobs now.
