Randy Broadwater


Hockessin, DE

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Hockessin Fire Co.
Assistant Chief
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Combination fire department
Top issues in your department:
Declining volunteerism, affordable housing for volunteers in our community
Topics you provide training for:
Railroad Emergencies
Began as a junior member of my company in January 1987, where I continue volunteering today alongside a great bunch of volunteers and career personnel alike. Also volunteered as time permitted with Cumberland Valley Hose Co. while attending Shippensburg University of PA. Career-wise, I'm in my 15th year in the rail transportation field. Through an unforeseen combination of events, I was granted the opportunity to assist with the Railroad Emergencies H.O.T. class at FDIC 2008, an experience I count as an honor and a privilege. I will be teaching again at FDIC 2009 and am eagerly looking forward to April.
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  • Eric Morgenthaler

    Randy, we're heading into town on the 22nd and departing on the 28th. I'll give you a call on Tuesday.
  • Scott Eckels

    Randy, good to hear from you. Sorry it took me so long to reply! Hope all is well Brother! -Scott
  • Eric Morgenthaler

    You heading to FDIC?