Randy C. Rider

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Tonawanda, New York
Sheridan Park Fire Department Sheridanparkfire.com
Training Officer, Past Chief
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Volunteer fire department
Top issues in your department:
Professional Qualifications:
Numerous county,state,federal certifications.
Topics you provide training for:
Engine & Truck Ops, F.A.S.T., Extrication etc.
Areas of expertise:
Is anyone an expert? I'm a student
My name is Randy Rider, I am a fourth generation firefighter in my 13th year at my fire department. I just completed my term as chief of the department and I now serve as training officer. I also serve as a Fire Instructor for Erie County. I joined this page because I am passionate about firefighting. I believe in the brotherhood of firefighters, a brother is a brother no matter what! It isn't just a saying it's a way of life.
Web site:

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  • John P. Buttino

    Hi Chief Great to see you here as well. This is a great source for all local and national responders
  • Britt Copano

    I had a question for you, I am a College student in a Fire Hazmat class and I was wondering if you could tell me one or two simple things that have changed with the NY Fire Dept since Sept 11th with Hazmat training and/or response? Thank you it is MUCH appreciated!
  • Peter F. Kertzie

    I appreciate the congrtats. Thanks.