Keith Plott


Tunnel Hill, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
North Georgia
Cherokee County Fire and Emergency Services
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Young department with alot of growing needs.
Professional Qualifications:
NPQ HazMat Tech Instructor
Georgia Certified Firefighter
NPQ Firefighter II
SSI Rescue Diver
Georgia Certified EMT-I
Swiftwater Tech
Adjunct Instructor
Pressurized Container Fire Control Instructor
Flammiable Liquids Fire Control Instructor
Topics you provide training for:
Thermal Imaging
Firefighter Safety and Survival
Rapid Intervention
Flammiable Liquids
Pressurized Container
Emergency Response to Terrorism
Areas of expertise:
Firefigter Safety and Survival
Rapid Intervention
Thermal Imaging
14 yrs. Firefighting with Fort Oglethorpe Fire and Rescue
10 yrs. Firefighting with Cherokee County Fire and Emergency Services
1 yr with Catoosa County Fire
Been Instructing for GPSTC since 1999

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