Kevin Nowicki

48, Male

Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Fort Oglethorpe, GA
Fort Oglethorpe Fire and Rescue
Fire Apparatus Operator
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Combination fire department
Top issues in your department:
Man Power
Us vs. Them
EMS Operations
Professional Qualifications:
NPQ Firefighter I
NPQ Driver Operator
NPQ Fire Instructor I
Haz-Mat Tech
Topics you provide training for:
NPQ Firefighter I
Structural Fire Control
Live Fire
Areas of expertise:
EMS operations
Kevin is employed by The Fort Oglethorpe Fire and Rescue Department as a Firefighter/ Paramedic. He is an instructor for many disciplines of both the Fire and EMS services. He began his career as a member of the Guilford Volunteer Fire Department (Vermont) and quickly realized the important role that the fire service plays in the EMS. He has been certified as both a firefighter and EMT in various jurisdictions since 1992. He spent 5 years in the U.S. Army as a Combat Medic and was fortunate enough to have never been deployed to in defense of our country. He is a student of the fire service, but has a more profound experience in the EMS programs.

Comment Wall:

  • Tim Rhudy

    Hey brother good to see U here