Matthew Tripp

48, Male


United States

Profile Information:

Wylie FIre ~ Rescue
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Professional Qualifications:
Advanced Structure, Officer 1 & 2, Driver Operator, Instructor , A.A.S in FIre Admin. and too many ICS classes to list.
I started my life in public safety in 1994 as a Vol. I went on to the private side of EMS for around 10 years then made the change to the FD about 5 years ago.

Comment Wall:

  • Todd McKee

    Welcome to the World's Greatest Training Community. This is where the serious trainers come to learn and grow from each other. We are very pleased to have you a part of our community!
    Please allow me to invite you to join the group called UNIQUE HAZMAT INCIDENTS, I will be presenting this at the 2009 FDIC in Indy. and I would love to have your input on some of our discussions.