Jenn Ross..aka "J-RO"

59, Female

Collinsville, Oklahoma

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Owasso/ Collinsville, Oklahoma
Collinsville Fire/Rescue
Agency structure:
Combination fire department
Web site:

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  • Brandon Pickler


    Just wanted to say thanks again for the live burn weekend. I had a great time. I also was hoping you could send me a copy of those pictures from the entire weekend if you just want to give me your address Ill send a CD for you. Thanks again.

    Brandon Pickler
  • Jim Hester

    Jenn: I just wanted to say thanks to you and the Collinsville Fire Dept. for your generosity. The trip to Tamohawk was great. It's a trip that should not be missed. Again thank you.

    Hello J-RO,

    Thanks for the invite - All the best to you and your Department!

    Dale G. Pekel